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Logbatt spatenstich plochingen

LogBATT is bursting at the seams!

Therefore, a new office building with warehouse is being built in Plochingen.

The ground-breaking ceremony took place on 21 January 2022 and completion is planned for the end of 2022. Even the mayor Frank Buß did not miss the opportunity to be there.

The 4000 m² site includes a 3-storey office building, warehouses and production workshops. The building was developed with the highest energy efficiency in the sense of the 40EE and environmental requirements. In addition, sufficient PV systems and charging columns will be installed.

“With this 3.5 million euro investment, we have set another milestone in the LogBATT history and will create a modern working atmosphere for our steadily growing LogBATT team,” say the founders Schönmeier and Helmle.