One of the leading manufacturers of lithium-ion batteries in Europe signed a long-term contract with LogBATT GmbH in April 2023 for the storage of lithium-ion batteries for one of LogBATT’s interim storage facilities. The contract negotiations dragged on for several months. In the end, an agreement was reached to secure a large share of the total space for the needs of the well-known manufacturer. Probably the most innovative lithium battery producer in Europe, LogBATT manufactures high-performance battery cells from 100 percent recycled nickel, manganese and cobalt. LogBATT’s interim storage facility can store up to 1400 tons of waste with AVV 16 01 21*. The battery storage facility complies with the latest requirements under the Federal Immission Control Act (BImSchG). We are very proud to have signed a long-term contract with this sustainable start-up company, probably the leading manufacturer of green cells and modules in Europe,” say Philipp Helmle and Eduard Schönmeier from LogBATT.LogBATT.