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10th Dangerous Goods Conference, Nürburg, LogBATT presentation

At this year’s 10th Dangerous Goods Conference in Nürburg, which was also an anniversary event for Jörg Holzhäuser, LogBATT had the opportunity and pleasure to give a technical lecture. The topic of the 45-minute lecture was: How do I pack correctly in terms of packaging and transport of lithium-ion batteries according to special regulation 376 (SV376 and P908/LP904) and special regulation 377 (SV377 and P909/LP903)).

Michael Knobloch, Head of Marketing Sales, started his presentation by outlining the theory and logistics process of LogBATT. In this context, LogBATT’s checklist played an essential role in being able to implement ADR-compliant transport safely and reliably. Afterwards, Gökhan Özdemir, Sales Manager Logistics, presented various practical examples, some of which he had carried out himself and with many colleagues. The approximately 300 expert participants from the fields of logistics, federal police, hazardous goods, science, industry and security were able to get a very good impression of the packaging, transport and disposal of lithium-ion batteries from a European market leader.

Logbatt dangerous goods

All participants, including Jörg Holzhäuser from the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry of Economics, Transport, Agriculture and Viniculture, agreed on the increasing importance and dangers of lithium-ion battery transports. The fact that the event was organised in the proven cooperation of the Ministry of Transport, the “auto motor und sport” driving safety centre at the Nürburgring, the chambers of industry and commerce in Rhineland-Palatinate and Süddeutscher Verlag Veranstaltungen GmbH also played a major role in making the German Dangerous Goods Safety Days a complete success. The 11th Dangerous Goods and Safety Days will take place in September 2025.